The Federation regularly issues a view of affordable, accessible high quality post- secondary education. The Federation also releases statements to provide students’ perspective on public discourse as it relates to colleges and universities. Lastly, the Federation helps draft and issue media releases for local members and coalition partners.
JUNE 2. Ontario Students on Blue Ribbon Panel: Consultation is Not Enough
APRIL 6. International Students Need More Than Just Standards
APRIL 5. Students in Solidarity with CUPE 4600 Workers on Strike
MARCH 27, 2023. Disappointing 2023 Ontario Budget Continues to Leave Post-Secondary Students Behind
FEBRUARY 27, 2023. Ontario Students Host Lobby Week “Demand Our Future”
NOVEMBER 10, 2022. Students in Solidarity with Education, Healthcare and Transit Workers
NOVEMBER 1, 2022. Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario in Support of Education Workers
NOVEMBER 22, 2019. Victory for the Student Movement: Ontario Court Quashes Student Choice Initiative
MAY 28, 2019. Canadian Federation of Students and York Federation of Students file legal challenge against Ontario Government’s Student Choice Initiative
APRIL 11, 2019. 2019 provincial budget threatens future of post-secondary education
APRIL 3, 2019. New tuition and ancillary fee guidelines defund student organizations
FEB 19, 2019. Students launch “Week of Action” as Legislature reconvenes
JAN 17, 2019. Ford Postsecondary Education and Students on Disastrous Path in Ontario
OCT 24, 2018. Students disappointed with cancellation of new campuses
OCT 18, 2018. Students and Community Members Rally to Protest Ford Government Policy Directive
OCT 18, 2018. Local Vote: Municipal Issues are Student Issues
AUG 31, 2018. Government Free Speech Policy Sets dangerous precedent on Ontario campuses
JUL 26, 2018. Back-to-work legislation rewards York’s bad behavior
JUN 29, 2018. Students in the future of post-secondary education