Food Security Now!
Access to quality, nutritious, affordable and diverse food options on campus continues to be an issue for students across Ontario. There are undeniable links between healthy food and positive learning environments. When healthy and diverse food options are costly and largely unavailable on campus, students are forced to either go hungry or purchase food that is not nutritious, or not in line with their dietary requirements. Local, ethical and sustainable food options are a growing necessity for our institutions to invest in.
At a general meeting of the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario, member locals resolved to launch a “Task Force on Campus Food Services.” Students from over 18 member locals responded to the survey and voiced concerns and suggestions for food service delivery. Students at Algoma University, Carleton University, La Cité Collégiale, Lakehead University, Laurentian University, Queen’s University, Ryerson University, University of Toronto-St. George & Scarborough campuses, University of Western Ontario and York University responded. Over 7 000 students took the time to fill out the survey and make comments on specific concerns that affect their daily access to food on campus. Their responses and comments are reflected throughout this report.