Challenging all forms of discrimination including discrimination that occurs on campus remains central to the work of Ontario’s student movement. Despite successful student organising, many students, faculty and staff continue to face individual and systemic discrimination at post-secondary institutions across Ontario. While discrimination is not confined to college and university campuses, overt and covert manifestations that occur on campus, whether in the classroom, lab, library, through institutional policies or at social events, undermines the academic missions of post-secondary institutions
Addressing gender-based oppression and sexual violence and continuing to work provincially to create campuses that are free from all forms of discrimination is essential to creating barrier-free education and safer campuses.

No Means No
The Canadian Federation of Students developed the No Means No campaign almost twenty years ago to raise awareness and to reduce the occurrence of sexual assault, acquaintance rape, and dating violence. The No Means No campaign consists of various materials, including research on the incidences of sexual violence in Canada, buttons, stickers, posters and postcards.
No Means No has succeeded in changing the culture surrounding acquaintance rape and dating violence in Canada. It was not so long ago that the campaign launch was met by a counter-protest with men on university and college campuses carrying placards with offensive slogans like ‘No means Yes’.
In February 2007, the clothier Bluenotes Inc. was selling t-shirts in their stores across Canada with the slogan “NO MEANS have aNOther drink”. After being informed of this product, the Federation immediately advised the company that the slogan was morally reprehensible and violated the Federation’s long-standing trademark on the slogan “No Means No”. Five days later, Bluenotes Inc. began recalling their “NO MEANS have aNOther drink” t-shirts and, by the end of the month, all of the t-shirts had been removed from their stores. In the weeks following the removal of the t-shirt, the Federation and Bluenotes Inc. worked in collaboration to design a new t-shirt, which was included in the clothier’s summer line of clothing. Seasonal profits from sale of the t-shirts were then donated to the Federation to continue its campaign against date rape and sexual assault.
Today, thanks in large part to public education provided through the No Means No campaign, people have a greater understanding of their rights and responsibilities in sexual relationships. However, date rape and dating violence continues to occur on campuses and in our communities requiring the Federation to continue promoting this campaign.
Campus Toolkit for Building Consent Culture
The following documents make up a toolkit for campus-based anti-sexual violence work that has been put together by several students’ union representatives. The toolkit includes a collection of best practices for lobbying efforts, outreach and overall awareness and education on campus.
Member locals of the Canadian Federation of Students – Ontario identified a need for tools including a provincial database of support organizations and centres, sexual assault policy information, and tips for how to respond when college and university administrations are pushing back against preventing violence and promoting consent.
This toolkit is intended to be an opportunity for students’ unions across Ontario to share with colleagues their experiences on what works when it comes to the ongoing struggle of anti-violence work in the University and College context. The Federation recognizes that there are several organizations whose sole responsibility is violence prevention and survivor support, and it is not our intention to duplicate or replace that ongoing work throughout the province.
If there is any information in this toolkit or on our website that is incorrect or needs to be updated, please contact us at anytime using the contact page of our website.

Provincial Support Resources
Please note that this resource is not intended as a replacement to emergency assistance or to offer legal advice. If this is an emergency or you are afraid for your life, call 911 or your local police service.
Crisis Lines
Assaulted Woman’s Helpline 416-863-0511 (Toronto)
Toll-free 1-866-863-0511
Toll free TTY 1-866863-7868
Text #SAFE (7233)
Interpreters in 154 languages are available to respond to callers.
Victim Support Line
416-314-2447 in the Toronto area
Kid’s Helpline
Provincial Resources
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic (Toronto)
Offers counseling, legal and interpreter services for women who have been physically or sexually abused.
Dawn Ontario: Disabled Women’s Network Ontario
Information for women with disabilities that are being abused by partners; links provided for several areas such as legal help, housing help, financial assistance help, etc.
Durham Rape Crisis Centre (Whitby)
Immigrant Women Services (Ottawa)
Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women
Information via facts sheets on violence against women including sexual assaults, stalking and criminal harassment
Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH)
Ontario Women’s Directorate
The Ontario Women’s Directorate promotes women’s equality with a focus on ending violence against women and increasing women’s economic security.
Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence care and Treatment Centres
Ontario Women’s Justice Network
Legal information and advice for women who are looking for help with family law or trying to understand legal terminology
Ottawa Rape Crisis
The objective of the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres is to work for the prevention and eradication of sexual assault, including rape. The Coalition works to implement legal Social and attitudinal changes.
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/MultiCultural Women Against Rape
Woman Abuse Council of Toronto
The Woman Abuse Council of Toronto (WomanACT) is a policy development and planning body that coordinates an efficient and effective approach to providing services for assaulted women and their families.
Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence care and Treatment Centres