Executive Committee


Adaeze Mbalaja

National Executive Representative:
Cyrielle Ngeleka

Jaime Kearns

Constituency Commissioner:
Joelle Salsa

Racialized Representative:
Hunain Sindhu

Circle of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students Constituency Commissioner:
Jaime Kearns

Women’s Representative:
Vidhi Vidhi

Francophone and Bilingual Caucus Chairperson:

Northern Region Caucus Chairperson:
Brandon Rhéal Amyot

Ontario Graduate Caucus Chairperson:
Amir Moghaddam

Part-Time and Continuing Education Caucus Chairperson:
Jennifer Coggon


Local Representatives

Local 1: VACANT
Local 19: Jady Liang
Local 20: Harikesh Panchal
Local 24: VACANT
Local 25: VACANT
Local 27: VACANT
Local 30: VACANT
Local 32: Sanpreet Singh
Local 47: VACANT
Local 48: Amangel Bhullar
Local 49: VACANT
Local 54: Natalie Wilkinson
Local 56: VACANT
Local 62: VACANT
Local 68: Somar Abuaziza
Local 71: Anshika Gaur
Local 78: Shakib Mahamud

Local 82: Minion Paul
Local 84: Mostafa Hettah
Local 85: VACANT
Local 88: VACANT
Local 92: VACANT
Local 93: Bharathy Iyathurai
Local 94: Steven Adékambi
Local 97: Shanti Dhoré
Local 98: VACANT
Local 99: Omar Mousa
Local 102: Mavis Kodzitse
Local 105: Oluwatomilola Joseph-Raji
Local 106: Hisham Barakat
Local 109: Joelle Salsa
Local 110: Mehdi Tavafi
Local 112: VACANT
Local 114: VACANT
Local 115: VACANT


General Meetings

Each member students’ union has an equal say in setting the, policies, direction, and priorities of the Federation, including how campaigns are organized and funds are spent. All major decisions are made at yearly provincial general meetings at which the student union’s from across the province are present to represent the views and perspectives of our individual members.


Ontario Graduate Caucus

The Ontario Graduate Caucus (OGC) unites more than 50,000 graduate students in Ontario. It is comprised of individual members and member local associations within the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario who have a common interest and concern with graduate student issues. The Caucus provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas between graduate students and member local associations in order to promote the interests of graduate students to the provincial government and other external authorities whose jurisdiction affects graduate student affairs. Graduate students also join together with over 350,000 students across the province to lobby on issues of concern to all students such as tuition fees, student debt, research and core funding to post-secondary institutions.

Representative Structure

The OGC meets yearly in conjunction with the Ontario Annual General Meeting to discuss issues prevalent to graduate students. At this time, the Caucus collectively reviews matters that affect students on member locals’ campuses, as well as campaigns and policies that may be implemented within the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario.

The OGC also works alongside and as part of the National Graduate Caucus, which represents graduate students from across Canada.

Every year, the Caucus elects two representatives who act as spokespersons for the group. The Caucus currently has two executive position, one of which also sits on the Ontario Executive Committee:

Ontario Graduate Caucus Chairperson: Jina Kum

Ontario Graduate Caucus Deputy Chairperson: Christopher Yendt


The aims and purposes of the caucus are:

a) to promote the interests of its member graduate constituencies to the provincial government and all other external authorities whose jurisdiction affects graduate student affairs; and

b) to act as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas between Ontario member associations

Northern Region Caucus

The Northern Region Caucus unites individual members and member local associations within the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario who are from post-secondary institutions in Northern Ontario. The Caucus provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas in order to promote the interests of northern students and to post-secondary education in the North. Students studying in Northern Ontario also join together with over 350,000 students across the province to lobby on issues of concern to all students such as tuition fees, student debt, research and core funding to post-secondary institutions.

For a variety of reasons, northern colleges and universities require additional supports, over and above those offered to other institutions, in order to provide high quality post-secondary education. While many institutions rely on private resources for funding, northern institutions do not often have large endowments or access to financial centres. Thus, students at northern colleges and universities recognise the importance of public government funding for public post-secondary institutions.

In addition, students and families who reside in northern and rural regions of Ontario often also face barriers that are unique from those faced by students in the southern part of the province and large municipalities. Northern Ontario is home to a significant number of Indigenous and francophone communities that face particular educational barriers. In general, students who study in the North often have to contend with higher prices for commodities, lower vacancy rates, fewer employment opportunities and lower than average wages. Northern students also typically commute for longer distances to school and often face challenges due to the lack of public transportation infrastructure within their communities.

The Northern Region Caucus hosts an annual conference, Spirit of the North, where students from across Northern Ontario gather to attend skills-based workshops and presentations, and discuss current issues prevalent to northern students. The Caucus also meets yearly in conjunction with the Federation’s Ontario Annual General Meeting, where the Caucus develops campaigns and policies on northern issues.

Representative Structure

The Caucus meets yearly, at the Ontario Annual General Meetings, to discuss issues of concern to members studying at Northern institutions. At these meetings, the Caucus has the opportunity to discuss current issues and examine the specific concerns of its members on their campuses, as well as campaigns and policies that could be implemented by the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario.

Every year, the Caucus elects a representative who acts as spokespersons for the group.

The Caucus currently has one executive position, which also sits on the Ontario Executive Committee:

Chairperson: Hannah Mackie


The aims and purposes of the caucus are:

a) to promote the interests of its member northern constituencies to the provincial government and all other external authorities whose jurisdiction affects northern student affairs; and

b) to act as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas between Northern Ontario member associations.

Member Locals
  • Local 20: Nipissing University Student Union
  • Local 30: Laurentian University Students’ General Association
  • Local 32: Lakehead University Student Union
  • Local 82: Algoma University Students’ Union
  • Local 88: Association des étudiantes et étudiants francophones de l’Université Laurentienne
  • Local 110: Laurentian University Graduate Students’ Association
  • Local 111: Laurentian University at Barrie Students’ Union
  • Local 112: Collège Boréal Association générale des étudiants et des étudiantes

For more information about the Caucus, email

Francophone and Bilingual Caucus

The Francophone and Bilingual Caucus unites members across the province. The Caucus was formed because many student representatives across the province wished to strengthen their ties and give their members a collective voice. The Caucus derives its strength from the unity of its members working together to influence policies that affect Francophone students in both colleges and universities in Ontario.

The Caucus meets yearly, at the Ontario Annual General Meeting, to discuss issues of concern to its members. At this meeting, the Caucus has the opportunity to discuss current issues and examine the specific concerns of its members on their campuses, as well as campaigns and policies that could be implemented by the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario.

Every year, the Caucus elects two representatives, a Chair and a Deputy Chair, who act as spokespersons for the group. The Caucus currently has one executive position:

Chair: vacant


The Caucus objectives are:

a) support the Declaration of Principles of the Federation;

b) defend the interests of its student union locals at the provincial government level and any other external authority whose jurisdiction affects francophone or bilingual post-secondary education; and

c) act as the forum where francophone and bilingual student unions in Ontario can share information and ideas.

Member Locals
  • Local 30: Laurentian University Students’ General Association
  • Local 85: Saint Paul University Students’ Association
  • Local 88: Association des étudiantes et étudiants francophones de l’Université Laurentienne
  • Local 93: Glendon College Student Union/Association étudiante du Collège Glendon
  • Local 94: University of Ottawa Graduate Students’ Association/Association des étudiant(e)s diplômé(e)s de l’Université d’Ottawa
  • Local 110: Laurentian University Graduate Students’ Association
  • Local 112: Association générale des étudiantes et étudiants du Collège Boréal